SISTERS AGAINST LUPUS: Committed to educating communities, raising funds for research and inspiring, uplifting, and supporting those who courageously battle this life altering disease called Lupus. *********Upcoming event: Together We Are The Cure Lupus Walk Saturday, May 24th, 2014 at Liberty Park -Renton, WA ********* REGISTER TODAY at www.lupusmustdie.com
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
1st Annual "Shining A LIGHT On Lupus" Benefit FASHION SHOW on August 29, 2010. This is going to be a wonderful day in Lupus and fashion history. We hope you join us. Together, we will go to battle against lupus and we vow to never stop fighting. SAL's fight will never end because awareness must be spread, every person living with lupus must receive assistance and most importantly, a cure must be found.