Saturday, May 5, 2012


Fact of the day......


Lupus diagnosis may be difficult

Lupus is considered an unpredictable disease, with no two cases exactly the same. The unique pattern of symptoms associated with lupus has caused some to say that lupus is like a snowflake. No two are alike. There are several symptoms of lupus which mimic other rheumatic diseases (e.g., severe fatigue), making the diagnostic process difficult.

Some patients can be difficult to diagnose since symptoms of the disease are quite variable, ranging from skin rash to fatigue to organ failure.  No single test can determine whether a person has lupus, but several laboratory tests may help the doctor to make a diagnosis.  Most lupus patients produce antibodies to their own tissues, detectable by a blood test which has been available since the 1950s. About 20 percent of patients with lupus do not make the antibodies though and go undiagnosed.

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Sources: Testing For Lupus, Center News, May 4, 2000; New Diagnostic Test For Lupus To Bridge Detection Gap, PRNewswire, August 7, 2000; FDA Clears For Market New Diagnostic Test For Lupus, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Aug. 28, 2002